Sunday, April 16, 2006

Poor Anonymous Commentor

To the person who continually and anonymously keeps posting rude comments on my blog for THE WORLD to see.
I'll find you, don't worry.
The story is my art, you can be angry at it, but it doesnt change the fact that it is fiction and that since I am the author, I create whatever I want. Nobody says you have to believe it, it's just there, it's a story, it's not real.


P.S. you should never wait to explode, you're just doing more damage to yourself than anyone. Im in the clear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can keep telling yourself that its not real....and ill take the choice of not believing you...i didnt put any rude comments on the web for the whole WORLD TO SEE...and maybe u shud have thought about the reactions people were gonna give you when u put this on the web...but whatever this whole shit between everybody is gonna end tommorow...maybe in a good way or maybe in a bad way...ither way it ends. And i cant have fun living in ur "untrue" world, but we're ready for you in the real one

4/16/2006 8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do you mean the story isnt real??? i mean your story says what you did...might not say how it really happened but i certainly know what you are talking about and i certainly happen to know who those two boys are that you lost...i just dont understand how you think its not a big deal and then go ahead and tell everyone what you did...and then you tell people lies so that they feel sorry for you? and also go tell people to help you win your friends back? sorry but thats sad...why dont you just go yourself and talk to them instead of sticking notes in their lockers

4/16/2006 8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"anonymous", dont u think that living in this "untrue" world is a way to find some way to get near to the person she truly wants to ask forgiveness from? maybe itll be a long shot but at least shes givin an effort becuase sadly she is livin in the real world, n the real world sux. i just hope watever isssues u have that need solvin can be solved or at least worked out with the RIGHT people.

4/16/2006 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if im not one of the people she truly wants to ask forgiveness from thats fine. But then stop putting notes in my locker, stop getting alex to talk to me and stop lying to everybody and just tell it like it is. We'll talk tommorow...that is if its important to you. But according to the 3rd party...maybe im not someone you need to forgive you.

4/16/2006 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been watching this for a while, and I'm glad that at least the spelling and grammar have improved. Your linguistic faults notwithstanding, leave snoopy alone.

4/16/2006 10:16 PM  
Blogger Dannel said...

anonymous cowards...¬_¬ go destroy some other internet place and let us be


4/18/2006 12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, damn those anonymouses--those fiendish foes!

Oh, wait...

4/18/2006 9:08 PM  

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